The year 2020 has been a challenge for all of us. I’ve seen families suffer, friends die and hopes disappear into the sunset of each lockdown evening.
But instead of focusing on the negatives, it’s a time for some positive reflection. Yes, we missed our nearest and dearest and for some, work ceased after businesses folded. But 2020 was also a time for community spirit, volunteering and neighbourly togetherness.
One of my happiest memories was when the neighbours of West Watford came out each Thursday evening during lockdown 1.0. I started photographing the claps for something to keep me busy… but what we thought would be a minor blip in an already scuppered year, would be the first in a series of social restrictions that will test our resolve to its limits. The clap for keyworkers photography brought many smiles to the local community, and I’m thrilled that in 2021, the Watford Museum will display these photos in a dedicated exhibition. So watch this space!
News of a vaccine is of huge relief – and I can’t wait for life to return to normal. I can’t say I’m not frustrated by groups of people flouting the tier 4 rules so blatantly in local parks… let’s hope further restrictions aren’t imposed in 2021 and that case numbers begin to shrink to a controllable number.
May I take this opportunity to thank those who have given me or shown business my way during a challenging year and to wish everyone reading this a Merry Christmas and a blessed and healthy New Year.
Eric x