Personal, Photography

The Covid Chronicles. Life under lockdown in Watford


I’m delighted to announce that Watford Museum has said they will archive my photography project about life around Watford during the coronavirus pandemic, as a record for future generations to view.

The coronavirus pandemic changed everyday life for millions of people. And since March 2020, I have been out on my state-approved daily walk with my camera photographing the changing world around me.

The community spirit I have witnessed has been remarkable. From the colourful rainbows adorning windows to the unflinching show of support every Thursday for the claps for key workers. Each image captures a snapshot of time riddled with great uncertainty in a moment none of us will forget.

In addition to the archive, Watford Museum’s curator and heritage manager said my photos would be exhibited at the museum – more than likely in 2021 when things get back to normal (although hopefully normality will return before then!).

I’m absolutely thrilled that my work will now be officially recorded in local history – but none of this would have been possible without the kindness and support of the people of Watford, for which I will be eternally grateful.

Details of the archive and exhibition to follow… 


Watford Museum has acted swiftly to launch my online exhibition, which is now online! I’ll keep sending them my latest photos to ensure as many people in Watford are part of the project as an official record of these historical times.