
The wedding of Gillian & Kipper MacDonald


Huge congratulations to Gillian & Kipper, the newlyweds who booked me to film their special day. 

It was a privilege to be part of their wedding at Luton Hoo – and I was delighted when they asked me to produce a very special wedding video featuring the highlights of their magical day.

I first met Gillian, a Physiotherapist at the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service at the Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust, in the summer of 2020. The service asked me to produce some films for patients recovering from Covid. 

After receiving a lovely email from Gillian saying she “couldn’t think of anyone nicer to do it,” I was only too delighted to provide my services again for her wedding! 

The day it self was full of the opulence and grandeur you’d expect from an impressive mansion deep in the Bedfordshire countryside, followed by a spectacular party that went on into the wee hours.

Gillian – and her stunning daughter – looked absolutely beautiful. 

Wishing the MacDonalds the very best of luck and a life full of happiness for the future x