
Meet the nurses inspiring the next generation of healthcare professionals


Coronavirus has undoubtedly reaffirmed how loved Britain’s NHS is to everyone it serves. So when I was approached to produce a series of nursing recruitment videos, I was both honoured and delighted that my work would, in some part, help inspire more people to join the profession. 

The commission came from the Hertfordshire and West Essex Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, which is one of 44 ‘STP’ areas set out by NHS England, aiming to deliver more effective, joined-up and affordable services.

Initially, the aim was to produce the series for a recruitment event at the end of March, which was themed around the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

Then came along coronavirus… 

The videos were finished just as a country-wide lockdown came into force and the focus was recalibrated on testing and treating those who had tested positive. 

It was great to work closely with people who help and save lives on a daily basis – and if you can see yourself joining the profession, please visit the Hertfordshire and West Essex Health and Care Academy website for more information.