The Watford Liberal Democrats contacted me to ask if I would photograph the visit to Watford of Sir Ed Davey, who at the time, was a favourite to become the next leader of the Liberal Democrats following the announcement by Sir Vince Cable he was to step down.
Although I had just returned from a trip to Scotland that morning, I jumped at the chance to offer my services, photos of which were later published in the local paper, cited below.
A few weeks later, I upgraded my camera gear to the latest Nikon Z6, meaning this was my last professional assignment with my trusty D5200, which has been at my side for close to five years.
Out with a bang, as they say!

Lib Dem MP Sir Ed Davey visits Watford
A prominent MP came to town this week to visit a science centre, as well as lend his support to the Lib Dem election campaign in Watford.
Sir Ed Davey, the former energy secretary, was at the BRE Centre in Bucknalls Lane, near Garston, where he was joined by the deputy mayor of Watford, Cllr Karen Collett and Watford’s Lib Dem parliamentary candidate, Cllr Ian Stotesbury.
His visit included going to BRE’s new ‘Zero Bills Home’, designed to be so energy efficient that it would cost nothing to run, and their Dementia House, which is specially designed for someone living with dementia and their carer.
Sir Ed then joined activists to help knock on doors in Watford to support the local Liberal Democrat campaign ahead of May’s elections.
Sir Ed, who is MP for Kingston and Surbiton in Greater London, said: “It was great to visit the BRE Centre and help the Lib Dem team in their campaign to keep Watford moving forwards. “It’s clear that Peter Taylor and the Lib Dem team are working hard to deliver good quality services for residents.
“In Cllr Stotesbury, the people of Watford have a passionate scientist to send to parliament to help us tackle climate change.”
Cllr Stotesbury added: It was great to be joined by Sir Ed in and be shown some of the ground breaking projects being put together at the BRE Centre just on our doorstep.
“Making Watford and Three Rivers a greener place to live is something our mayor and our Lib Dem run councils have already started to do.
“In Watford, we are introducing more electric vehicle charging points, a new bus service, and a bike hire scheme. We must do more as a country, but I’m proud of our local record; tackling climate change is just too important to ignore and is what first got me into politics.”
Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable was also in Hertfordshire this week, visiting St Albans on Tuesday.